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Corsage Gluing Tips

Upon opening a tube of glue use an oily substance such as Pokon Leaf Shine, spray cooking oil, or other oil or lotion on the nozzle and cap to prevent glue buildup. Rubbing a little on your hands helps you to be able to remove glue more easily.

Cold glue sticks best when cured, glue must be tacky, so count to ten before attaching.

With flat needle-nosed pliers squeeze the nozzle to an oval making the glue flow out more controllably.

Flowers must reach room temperature before gluing or the condensation will not allow the glue to set securely.

Use a square of plastic, ceramic tile, or non-stick cookie sheet as your gluing station. This will keep your design area tidy and keep your glue puddle ready for the next use.

Let corsages sit out for 10 - 20 minutes for glue to dry and set before using Pristine spray, sealing in protective packaging, or placing in refrigeration. The glue will not continue to dry once it has been placed in the humidity of the florist’s cooler.

Add fresh glue to the puddle and the glue will reconstitute resulting in less waste.

Save a few of the tiny caps when glue tubes are empty, to replace lost caps.

Use only a small amount of glue at a time as it dries out very quickly.

Store glue with the lid tightly sealed. If the top gets lost, insert a corsage pin into the nozzle to seal the tube of glue until the next use.

Decide which gluing method will work best for each project:

  • Dip directly into a glue puddle.
  • Glue right to the surface.
  • Glue to a surface then touch it to the other connecting surface, this works great if you have too much glue on one of the surfaces.

The plastic Fitz Designs Brand flange on wristlets and accessories is specifically made for attaching flowers with glue. For a more secure hold, score the flange with a knife to create a surface that will allow the glue to stick to the scratched surface successfully.

Cover the cut stem ends of blooms with glue to preserve moisture in the flower.

The light plastic packaging material some Fitz Design products are shipped in makes a perfect base to cover and protect your client’s jewelry while designing. Simply cut a slot in the plastic and slide the plastic under the flange and bow.

Glue sticks to glue - be sure to have glue on both surfaces.