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Promoting Your Prom Open House

So... you are all excited. You have prom party scheduled. You have your bling buffet all set up. Now... how do you get the teens into your floral shop to see all of the gorgeous corsage bracelets, boutonniere options, and prom floral bling that you have to offer? Read on for some innovative ideas you may not have thought of!

Send corsages/bouts to principals, counselors and class advisors to advertise your shop and event.

Insert a flier in every arrangement that goes out of the shop advertising the open house.

Have 3 magnetic signs on your vehicle advertising the event for weeks in advance.

Ask the prom committees to advertise your event on their social media sites in exchange for a floral donation for the prom.

Park the delivery vehicle across from the school parking lot before and after school.

Have the other Prom All Star Team members advertise the event on their social media sites.

Figure out the local teen hangout – coffee shop, pizza place, etc, and give them an order for your event. Ask for their support in advertising your event, ask if they will let you post fliers, etc. 

Use your social media page to promote your Prom party and invite prom related businesses in your area to share in the event by providing props, swag, and coupons for the students. 

If there is a digital reader board in town, have your event posted on it.

Create a local Prom Page on social media, invite all related businesses to join, and share the event with their clients.  Post often with videos and images to show your talent and the many options available to make their flowers unique.

Ask the local dress shop and tuxedo store to hang a poster in their business in exchange that you will hand out their business cards or fliers at your event.  

Bring the school media department to your shop to do a series of interviews with you about prom flowers. (Maybe even get them there on the day of the open house for residual advertising after the event.)

Get some T-Shirts made, advertising your shop, prom, and the event and have some kids wear them to school at each school in your area.

Talk to local radio, newspaper, and TV stations and give them a few prom statistics.  They may run a short story on your shop and your event.

Provide light snacks, a door prize drawing, a selfie station, and a swag bag for all students who come to your event.  Send a coupon home with them with an incentive to order early.  If you make it a fun event that they can share with others, they will remember that when they need to order flowers.